- City
- SandyNow!
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Government 101 is an online resource designed to introduce citizens to the "ins and outs" of local government.
Learn about a featured resident and the way in which they experience Sandy as home.
Stay up-to-date on current organizational news and announcements.
Meet the mayor and follow the mayor's channels for engagement throughout the community.
A Nextdoor neighbor check involves using the Nextdoor platform to stay connected with your local community. Engage in discussions, share updates, and seek feedback to stay informed about neighborhood news and events. Offer support and encouragement to foster a positive, connected neighborhood.
Learn about our various news sources, including television and other journalism.
Browse the Sandy City monthly newsletters.
Check out brochures related to our area.
View photos from local events.
This is featured content that highlights city wins, achievements, and successes.
Watch videos from our YouTube channel, Sandy Arts, Community Events, and the Sandy Amphitheater.